2013年4月27日 星期六
2013年4月22日 星期一
A tiny birdie.
This tiny yellow birdie is a "Yellow-fronted Canary".
It is a boy who can sing so beautifully.
He sang crazily at the shop,
but maybe he's trying to get used to my house,
he's quiet.
Just hope to hear its songs again soon.
2013年4月19日 星期五
Back to the right track!
(Pic taken on Wednesday 17/4)
(Jello chewed and picked out the edge of feathers)
(Pic taken Thursday 18/4)
While I was taking care of a sick grey parrot (which has left me) during the week,
Jello felt lonely maybe and he expressed his disappointment by plucking a bit on his feathers.
Luckily I discovered that at once,
and tried my very very best to show him how wrong he was,
and these two days he appeared happy again.
And everything gets on the right track again.
2013年4月14日 星期日
A lazy Sunday.
This weekend, we didn't go out although it was a sunny day.
I hesitated to take the birdies out in the park recently because of the H7N9.
I just don't want to take any risk to meet a sick wild bird.
So, today, it's a lazy Sunday, with slow marking on my kids' writing.
Grey Species 灰鸚亞種
(From: http://www.african-grey-parrot.com/)
The African Grey Parrot is a wonderful and highly intelligent bird. African Grey Parrots require a serious commitment and are great lifelong companions. Anyone who has an African Grey or who has had one will tell you that you can't really consider an African Grey Parrot a pet because the privilege of living with one is truly a unique and unforgettable experience.
There are two general types of the African Grey Parrot – the Congo African Grey and the Timneh African Grey. The African Grey Parrot species originate in the lowlands of western and central Africa from northern Angola to Guinea. The Congo African Grey (CAG) and the Timneh African Grey (TAG) are actually located in different regions of Africa.
(From: http://www.toaparrotzone.com)
非洲灰鸚主要共有2個亞種─剛果灰鸚(Congo Grey Parrot)與提姆那灰鸚(Timneh Grey Parrot,如左圖),但如要再細分,還有迦納灰鸚(Ghana Grey Parrot)與喀麥隆灰鸚(Camaroon Grey Parrot),外表幾近相同;迦納灰鸚只棲息在幾內亞灣的普林斯波島與比歐克島上,提姆那灰鸚的體型明顯地小了一號,上喙部帶臘黃色,尾部為深紅褐色,體羽較深,此亞種並不常見;主棲息在低海拔地區,雨林、森林邊緣地帶、紅樹林地、熱帶稀樹草原、 農作物區都是牠們主要的活動地區,群居性,喜愛在近河流與湖泊邊的樹上或棕櫚樹上棲息,覓食的時候通常一小群一起行動,喜食各類種子、堅果、水果、花蜜、漿果等,有時也會至農作物田園中覓食,造成農業損失,尤其是玉米田;繁殖季節因地而異,東非約在1至2月及6至7月的乾燥季節中,築巢在離地10-30m高的樹洞內,通常一窩產2-3顆蛋,偶爾4顆 。
(From: www.featherme.com)
2013年4月10日 星期三
A new page 新開始
Grey parrots
bring tons of colours and fun to my life!
Which let me think about their importance to me.
That really makes me to
establish a special blog for them, for us!
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